The Buzz | Daytrip Blog

vibrant cocktail photo of the san francisco spritzer featuring Daytrip CBD Infused Sparkling Water

San Francisco Spritzer - NA Cocktail

1/2 Can Daytrip Lemon Lime Sparkling Water 6 oz pear juice 1 oz ginger juice 1 oz apple cider vinegar 1/2 oz lemon juice Ice Thyme (garnish)

San Francisco Spritzer - NA Cocktail

1/2 Can Daytrip Lemon Lime Sparkling Water 6 oz pear juice 1 oz ginger juice 1 oz apple cider vinegar 1/2 oz lemon juice Ice Thyme (garnish)

vibrant cocktail photo of the bubbly brunch featuring Daytrip CBD Infused Sparkling Water

The Bubbly Brunch - NA Cocktail

1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice 1/2 cup Tangerine Daytrip CBD Sparkling Water 1 TBSP elderflower syrup  1 lime wedge squeezed into glass Stir, sip and enjoy with friends.

The Bubbly Brunch - NA Cocktail

1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice 1/2 cup Tangerine Daytrip CBD Sparkling Water 1 TBSP elderflower syrup  1 lime wedge squeezed into glass Stir, sip and enjoy with friends.

vibrant cocktail photo of the endless summer featuring Daytrip CBD Infused Sparkling Water

Endless Summer - NA Cocktail

1 shot clear rum ½ can Coconut Pineapple Daytrip CBD Sparkling Water 2 slices of fresh pineapple Ice Muddle 1 slice of pineapple pour in Daytrip Coconut Pineapple, rum and...

Endless Summer - NA Cocktail

1 shot clear rum ½ can Coconut Pineapple Daytrip CBD Sparkling Water 2 slices of fresh pineapple Ice Muddle 1 slice of pineapple pour in Daytrip Coconut Pineapple, rum and...

vibrant cocktail photo of the daytrip featuring Daytrip CBD Infused Sparkling Water

The Daytripper - NA Cocktail

Pour 3/4 Cup Lemon Lime Daytrip CBD Sparkling Water over ice Add: Ginger – muddled ¼ cup peach nectar  1 lemon wedge – squeezed into the glass Garnish with lemon...

The Daytripper - NA Cocktail

Pour 3/4 Cup Lemon Lime Daytrip CBD Sparkling Water over ice Add: Ginger – muddled ¼ cup peach nectar  1 lemon wedge – squeezed into the glass Garnish with lemon...