The Goods

More Isn’t Always Better...

Buzz words like milligram count and "full-spectrum" are constantly used to describe the type of cbd within a product. But quality and guaranteed consistency is dependent on totally different things.

Daytrip® uses high-frequency energy to minimize the multi-spectrum, cbd-derived particle-size and then infuse it into sparkling water, creating particles that are 100% water-soluble and small enough for the human cell to process. Standard formulations waste about 90% of the cbd product due to particle size reducing the end effect.

Foliole Nexus Technology

Then proprietary botanical terpenes are infused for enhanced effects. Each terpene is hand-selected by experts who have carefully evaluated the most popular botanical strains for over a decade.

With our focus on your "happy", a perfectly tuned smile-wide infusion emerges to charge this refreshment.

The end result? A zero sugar, zero artificial flavor sparkling water that can guarantee quality and consistency in every can.